Sunday, October 5, 2008

ok, so IB English ruins ur life

r-rite, so now i'm caught up on bloggin n i can xplain the realization that i came 2 last nite. the combination of a bf who's a nerd/full dip canidate, me who's just weird/a nerd/a full dip candidate, and IB English, ur life is no longer fun, it's ruined. that realizaiton came last nite while i was out w/Nic. some how the creepy George phrase "just think of that" got into the convo n guess what the next 1/2 hr was spent talkin bout? hmmmm, Hedda Gabler. Grrr, so not what life is about. yeah, there might b some creepy similarities btwn some of the characters in the play n the ppl we know in real life, and tru, it's a gr8 play and i luv it, but really, life is so not about 1 of 3 subjects that i take only cuz i'm full dip. o well, i guess that just proves that an IB education is about life and can actually apply to life. wow, i'm beginning 2 sound like Roesch, let's not think about that. i'm kinda sad that there wasn't more to the acts cuz the plot line was good, but i would have liked more detail (yeah, i'm bringin u guys in2 my crazy convo rt now). i think there should have been a way to include the back story bout Lovborg n the mademoiselle (yeah, if you haven't noticed, i don't member her name and i'm WAY 2 lazy to go back n look it up). i think i also would have liked some form of background on Hedda, y the pistols n not riffles? that seems more appropirate fer a general's daughter. o well, her independance and slightly crazy/controling/independant/what-eva-other-adjective-you-can-come-up-with personality reminds me of a few ppl, namely (apparently, as Shoji so nicely pointed out) my own. only, one thing, is that honestly y both my daddy n Nic have ban me from picking up a gun? i had a convo w/Max Parker bout that the other day n we're pretty sure it is. well, this seems 2 b movin 2 flow of consciousness writing, so i think that's a sign i should b done. i g2g fig out how to not have my IB ed so involved n intertwined in my life.


J'mag said...

I totally know what you mean. I want to bring Hedda up in convos with my non IB friends and I know they just wouldn't understand ho complex a character she is or any of the others in this play. IBE is like LSD everything becomes so warped after you read anything. I find myself looking at female characters on T.V. and criticing them.

Anonymous said...

yeah, J'mag.
Happy Feet in French class..
that movie will never be the same.
all i see is Communism!

kosekesh said...

lol, it's so tru!! like i look at the world and c communism and c it in a feminist light ne way, but like, dang, when it starts invading ur dates, "it done gone 2 far".

Ashley said...

Talor in this blog you say so many things I'm left really confused. But you do remind me of Hedda, and that's actually quite scary. IB English changed my vocab, my writing style, and took my soul. I even overanalyze gossip girl books.

kosekesh said...

ik you do, i've seen it. and yeah, IB english does steal u soul n a large part of ur life