Tuesday, December 2, 2008


ok, so i'm not really doin so well (i'm actually being kept home from school tomorrow) so i'm gonna make this quick. So J'mag, Alyia, and i wore AIDS shirts to raise awareness on World AIDS day. It didn't go as well as we had hoped. I had a couple people ask me about the shirt and why Africa wasn't all the same color to which i had to xplain about choroplethic maps and how they work (i think we raised awareness about geography not AIDS). otherwise nothing really changed. I'm sure the shirt was read, but idk... AIDS is now nbd i guess. kinda sad that so many people are dying and the old age cohort is becoming affected by it due to unforeseen reasons and no one really cares too much. hopefully some one will read my blog and go "old people are not becoming more infected!!!" and go reasearch it.

OMG i fell asleep! dude, this is gonna b late. dang, now what?

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