Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Boycott part 2 (you'll understand in a minute)

So, i told u all the awesome thin's that i think were perfectly amazing, now i have a couple complaints, just minor ones though.

ok, numero 1
this chick changed the speaker of the house back in to a man, womyn finally got the job and then she goes and reverts?!?! no comprendo!!!!! correct me if i'm wrong, but i'm pretty sure this is a book that has the power of womyn as a major theme and this is what she does?!?! not ok in my eyes.

numero 2
she obviously doesn't know how a real press confrence works. ppl don't just ask questions willy nilly b4 the speaker gives their little prepared speech. Stupid Tufalooans.

numero 3
um, i've never had amathis, or what ever booze they were lookin for from Lincoln, but from what i understand about alcohol and drugs (uk, reasearch in health class, etc.), LSD/acid type things cause those types of hellucinations, not being drunk as a skunk.

That's it, as i said in part 1, i really loved the play, but i really had 2 get those thin's off my chest.

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