Sunday, November 16, 2008

double dehumanization

r-rite so by now, we've all figured out that Peace in the end is not only a concept, but a woman, and a really pretty one at that. the men's reaction to this is um, enthusiastic to say the least. now, i've talked about this b4, but it really bothers me n imma xplain it again and in bttr depth. 1st there's the standard thing we look out for (well, i look out for as a "femanazi"), dehumanization and degradation of womyn. this is easily seen in the way that the men goggle her and her naked body. they know nothing but that they like what they see, she is a body, a piece of a&$ if you will. she doesn't have an opinion or a vote or even a brain, she's just flesh. the men continue this kind of treatment as they split her up and argue over who gets the "mountains" and legs and "gulfs". now, it's bad for this 2 happen @ all, but in a book where the theme is the power of womyn? really, that's sad. now, don't worry, the men get their turn. i think it's degrading and dehumanizing that the men are portrayed as animals so in need of a good screwing session that they will agree to anything and are drueling over Peace like dogs over a porter house steak. now we can read further into the text. pg 104 is about nothing but Peace's butte, i mean the Promonyory of Pylos. here we see that these men can't talk about real problems because their minds r 2 busy w/um, the Netherlands. (yeah, bad pun, but u should b usewd 2 it by now.) the idea that they argue about geography over a female's geography and are thinking about nothing but biology is really sad and over simplifies the male mind (ok, maybe not, but imma try 2 stay positive n try not 2 offened ne more guys than i already have). in essence, these men have been reduced to animal status and their higher thinking skill have been removed, they are no longer humans with a frontal lobe that allows decision making, but rather animals driven by instinct to continue the species. in general, i think this was a poor way to end the book and a sad interpreation of a book that had a powerful message.


mayayayaya said...

I really liked this blog! Earlier I was confused about the scene with Peace because I didn't exactly understand her purpose other than Lysistrata's use of her as a distraction for the men and as a map/object. I enjoy the way you analyze her purpose for both the men and the women. I also agree that this was a somewhat disappointing ending to what could have been a very powerful message.

Jelly Mae said...

See I really think in using Peace it just adds to how degrading this play is for men and women. The shallowness that comes from it is quite strong. Ugh I'm so negative!

Anonymous said...

i was wondering why they chose Peace to be a woman to begin with. like couldn't they choose some other sort of image?

kosekesh said...

well, there's not much help in guy's geography esp for guys to answer Brianne, but yeah, the idea that it's a woman is disappointing. Joelle, we're on the same page, i'm just more wordy about saying it, so that's cool that you're negative. lol, Maya, i luv u, you're funny, but yeah, the ending was a major let down.