Tuesday, November 4, 2008

First Impressions of Lysistrata

r-rite, so to start this off i'm going to inform u of the sad fact that debaters (now on refered to as db8rs) are relitively dirty minded people. we all know that i'm a db8r and so i need say no more. now, i'm thinking that Lysistrata is definately a book that my team (and its extended family at a couple other skools) should read together. it's incredibly entertaining because of the puns that are included and the slightly dirty nature of those puns. i wasn't surprized at first, but slowly i got to the point that all i could think was "i don't believe he wrote that!!!" the inability of the womyn in the story to wrap their minds around the idea that they wouldn't b having sex for a while kind of floored me. stereotypically it's the guy that u c having issues cuz he's not "gettin ne" but hearin the womyn complain about not screwing their husband? that's pretty rare. i did think the opening was interesting because the womyn seem not to really pay attention to to much that Lysistrata says. first they don't show up 4 the meeting and then they oppose most of what she says. something about that seems odd 2 me. normally, the "leader" is followed from the beginning and this time they're all being nay sayers cept the chick from the "podunk town up north" (thanks Long, and yeah, that is how i'm gonna refer to Sparta since Lampito talks like an uneducated chick from a farm). idk, maybe it's just me, but aren't leaders spose 2 b so carismatic that you can't help but get behind them? (and i'm gonna yell at the 1st person who says Obama there cuz the election is gonna b over by time ne 1 reads this entry.) o well, i guess that's it for now cuz i can't really think of ne thin else 2 say at this point in the book cuz nothin's really happened yet.


J'mag said...

I like how you think this is only slightly dirty. I mean I don't have virgin-ears but I think the content is really risque to say the least. At the same time it does make me want to read a les "interpreted" version of the pla. I really want a different copy of the book because I really get the feeling that this author changed a ton of stuff to make it more "americanized".
Also: a leader to me is simply someone who is able to influence. Of all my favorite leaders (Stalin, Lenin,Napoleon)I can't think of any who were un charasmatic but I'm sure there have been leaders who weren't Obama-y. (Side note: Is it just me or is that man just hypnotic? I mean you're drawn in to every word that he speaks. It helps that they aren't just words but educated thoughts. Talor if there ever was a reason to be a presidential ..."enthusiast", he is it).
I guess you're right about Lysistrata as a leader she does seem to be "forgotten" by the other womyn

Laura =) said...

I did think it was pretty interesting that none of the women were going along with Lysistrata very much... except for the um, "chick from the podunk town up north" (Ripon? haha). But I think that shows that Lampito was more intelligent that her unfortunate accent made her seem. Also, she seemed stronger than the other (Athenian) women since she was the first besides Lysistrata herself who agreed to abstain.

kosekesh said...

lol, yeah, u gotta love that Long called Ripon that. yeah, i think she was definately smarter than the other womyn. i do think that it was only slightly dirty, i mean, db8r! we're the worst. as for the less interpreted copy, i agree, def. i agree about the other leaders thing, i mean, Stalin and Amadinjad are anythin but charismatic, but still, i think she could have been more persuasive. um, as for Obama, idk, he's kinda not really my style, JFK maybe, but not Obama. ik ppl relate him to JFK all the time, but there's just somethin (actually a lot) missing there for me. srry J'mag