Sunday, November 16, 2008

imagery and Myrrhine

ok, so here's the poop on the scene with Myrrhine and Kinesias, well my interpretation of the poop ne way (yeah, i just used MASH phrases). so first of all the imagery in this scene was incredible, kind of akward (esp. to read in class) but uncredible nonetheless. the idea that Aristophanes was able to create such a vivid scene for us merely with words is an incredible thing 2 me. i mean you can picture this going down in your mind. he's all hot and bothered and she finally comes out and then she takes forever, going back into the Akropolis (sp?) multiple times and making him wait longer only to roll out of bed w/o actually giving him anything more than a kiss and maybe a glimpse of flesh, only making his condition worse. kind of low, but aparently not low enough, o that was a bad one, my fault.

re-reading this after finishing the book does cause me to notice something though, Myrrhine uses the word "Peace" with a capital "P". Here's the rub (o, another bad one, gotta watch that), Peace is a woman, so when she says, "no cheating about the Peace," does she mean that he shouldn't b cheatin on her with this amazingly gorgious woman? on that question i kind of think that he wouldn't seein as he defends the woman who left him high and dry (o, srry) because the Koriopahaos (sp?) essentially calls her a mean hearted slut. idk, i think idea is interesting, i mean the guys drule of Peace at the end and argue about splitting her up, so is that what she's talking about?

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